
About DropBasics

The team at DropBasics are experienced Retirement Plan Consultants with a demonstrated history of working in the investment management industry. Skilled in Deferred Compensation, Securities, Retirement Planning, Mutual Funds, and advanced retirement plan construction and design for 401(k) and 403(b). Experienced in correcting retirement plan design errors where plans fail non-discrimination testing. Our parent firm, Island Wealth Advisors, LLC, is an approved vendor through Voya Financial for the State of Florida’s Deferred Compensation Plan 457(b) and an approved vendor through Voya Financial and Great American Insurance Group for the Florida School Boards’ 403(b) plans. We have the expertise to help you enroll in your employer based 403(b) or 457(b) and to help you explore your DROP choices and find the one that is right for you.

Surviving Difficult Market Conditions


Surviving Difficult Market Conditions During periods of volatility in the stock market, you may have doubts about your long-term investment strategy. Here are five tips to help you avoid common pitfalls and stay on track toward achieving your financial goals. 1. Declines have been common and temporary occurrences. Problem: Declines can cause imprudent behavior by filling investors with dread and panic. Solution: Realize that declines are inevitable and have not lasted forever. History has shown that stock market declines are a natural part of investing. While declines have varied in intensity and frequency, they have been somewhat regular [...]

Surviving Difficult Market Conditions2020-04-13T19:37:49+00:00

How Does the Florida DROP Program Work?


Learn about DROP. The Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) allows participants to retire without terminating their employment for up to 5 years (8 years for teachers under certain circumstances) while their retirement benefits accumulate and earn interest compounded monthly at an effective annual rate of 1.3%. This program is available to eligible members of the Florida Retirement System who are in the FRS Pension Plan, the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS), or the State and County Officers and Employees' Retirement System (SCOERS). (FRS renewed members and members of the various optional retirement programs available under the FRS are not eligible to [...]

How Does the Florida DROP Program Work?2020-03-18T17:25:21+00:00

4 Reasons to Work with a Financial Advisor


Retirement Success is No Accident. Given the fact that you just entered DROP or are about to exit DROP, you will soon face many questions which will have a very big impact on your future. Here's how a financial advisor can really help you. 1. Information Overload Information can empower us to make educated decisions, but it can also overwhelm us, causing "analysis paralysis." A quick internet search on whether to fund a Roth IRA, yielded conflicting advice such as "you need a Roth IRA" and "reasons to skip the Roth." What's a saver to do? While it's [...]

4 Reasons to Work with a Financial Advisor2020-03-18T17:26:05+00:00

403(b) Pros & Cons


What's a 403(b) Plan? A 403(b) plan is a retirement plan designed for specific employees of public schools, tax-exempt organizations, and certain religious organizations. The Basics of 403(b) Plans. First let's review some of the basics of a 403(b). A 403(b) plan can be a good way to save for retirement because typically money goes in tax-free. Normally taxes come out of your salary before you are paid, with a 403(b) contribution the money is invested, without taxes coming out first. There's a catch of course, tax is then paid when the money is taken out, which is [...]

403(b) Pros & Cons2020-03-18T17:26:56+00:00
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